This is an update for our clients and friends.
Our clients and friends are like family to us. We care about your safety. We hope you are doing well. And we hope you are following all necessary COVID-19 safety precautions!
Here is an update about what is going on at DeCarli Law.
Like everyone else, we are “sheltering in place.” For us, that means we have transferred operations 100% to our home. A different view, same business! (Photo at the side is my new view—we need to do some yard work!)
Staying in Touch
Please, let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.
Getting a will or trust, healthcare directive, power of attorney—it can all be done online and by telephone, anywhere in California. It was a learning curve, but I have figured out how to do estate planning documents and updates online.
How to Reach Us:
- We’re still working! When you need help or have questions, call or email like you normally would. My phones and computers are all set up. I brought notes and files home with me. I’m keeping the same office hours I kept before.
- My office number is working. If you get a call from me, the caller i.d. will say “DeCarli Law” and will be from 707-937-2701, even though I am at home. If you need to call me, call 707-937-2701. You may reach the answering service, but leave a message with them and I will get back to you ASAP.
- My email is the same as always:
- And you can schedule a phone call with me through my online calendar. If the time is available on the online calendar, I’m all yours! Schedule by clicking this link:
For Clients:
- We have always been a “paperless” office to the extent possible. That means most things are scanned and on my computer in electronic form.
- If you are a client, we have electronic copies of all of your documents. If you need a copy of anything, all you have to do is email me.
- If they don’t already know, let your family and friends know that I have copies of your documents. You can just forward this email to them, and they will have my email and phone number.
- I am happy to help your family and friends with their documents, or to add them to my newsletter list.
News: IRS Deadline Extended
Many people have been worried about the upcoming IRS filing deadline. All IRS deadlines have been pushed back to July 15, 2020.
Counting Our Blessings
The last week has of course produced a lot of worry and anxiety. But it has also generated some silver linings.
Things I am grateful for:
My family. In addition to Bob and Charlie, my older son Michael has been with us for several months. Everyone is pitching in to help, around the house, and adjusting to this new work-from-home situation. We are also making fun time for a part of each day, usually playing cards or a board game together. The bonds we strengthen during this time will be with us forever.
More time with Charlie. Instead of getting up and dashing to school and the office, we get to eat a nice breakfast and have some reading time together in the morning. What a great way to start the day! And we have started a hot cocoa and story time break in the afternoons.
My shortened commute. We are so blessed to have a nice quiet space a little separate from the house that we could convert to a workspace. It now takes me less than a minute to “get to the office.” And I get to “go home” for lunch!
Technology. Relocating my office, my phone number, my files, and my access to clients, to home was relatively easy and painless. That would not have been possible 20 years ago! Plus, the ability to easily meet with people by videoconference is amazing! Not just clients and business contacts, but our family and friends far away–what an incredible blessing to be able to actually see them all.
Our Continuing Health. We’re doing o.k. Some people in this house grumble about taking my homemade elderberry syrup, but they take it twice a day! We’re also keeping our spirits up.
Our wishes for you. Please, stay well. We don’t know how long this will last. Please check in every now and then so we know how you’re doing.
If you would like to learn more about creating an estate plan specific to you and your family call us for a initial consultation at
(707) 937-2701
email me at
or use our online calendar to schedule an appointment